Apologies, convenient but not satisfying

These two special words have been used by every person and Canadian since the beginning of time. If you did something bad you said those two special words. Since no one has the time to do anything sincere anymore “I’m sorry” has become a good way to get out of your own faults these days. I may sound a bit bad for saying this but saying sorry doesn’t make up every single one of your faults. Let’s see why I think sorry doesn’t cut it for everything…

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Hi! It’s been awhile. By awhile I mean like a year of inactivity. I will be posting more funny posts again like I used to but I will put more time and effort into them this time I promise! So expect to see me again in the next week or two. Now after reading this you might feel like your getting socks for christmas but this is the biggest gift I can give to you over the internet. I hope you enjoy me again but as always…

That’s the feed!